Use Kubernetes with OpenHPC(warewulf)

05 February 2018

This post provide how-to use kubernetes(k8s) with OpenHPC/warewulf environment.

OpenHPC is HPC environment configuration tool without doing it by hand. Currently it does not support k8s/container softwares. My motivation was to enable the feature by myself.

OpenHPC(warewulkf) enables doing PXE boot (boot from disk as well, but my focus is PXE boot). And several config files are distributed at provisioning time so that settings for k8s are needed.

If your compute nodes are booting from local disk (not using PXE boot), it would be better to reffer official page


My environment was as follows

  • master node (
  • compute (minion) nodes (

And use environment variables bellows are used in this article

$ MIP= # master node's ip address
$ CIP= # compute node's ip address offset
$ CHROOT=/opt/ohpc/admin/images/centos7.4/
$ CNAME=compute # your compute node's name
$ CNUM=32 # num of computes


The requirements bellows are used in my environment. I believe other software versions would work as well.

  • OpenHPC(warewulf) v1.3.3
  • CentOS7.4 (both master and client nodes, included in OpenHPC 1.3.3)
  • Kubernetes1.5 (CentOS7.4 default)


Install on master

This is almost same as This

Before creating VNFS

In OpenHPC has problem to install kernel for compute nodes. It should installs as latest as possible. We need to fix it at first

$ yum -y --installroot=$CHROOT install kernel
$ # This installs latest kernel version, but compute node uses base version
$ # and cause error when launching dockerd because of no ip_tables kernel module
$ # bellow could solve it
$ KERNEL_VERSION=`uname -r`
$ yum -y --installroot=$CHROOT install kernel-${KERNEL_VERSION%.*}


$ export OHPC_INPUT_LOCAL=./input.local # change config as you want
$ ./

The ./ tries to reboot compute node after finishing create VNFS, but you don’t need to wait until then.

You can stop the process by Ctr-C just after finishing create VNFS.

After creating VNFS

You could see the image directory, and you can re-create VNFS as you want using the directory like

$ wwvnfs --chroot $CHROOT

Setup config files

Let’s setup $CHROOT/etc/kubernetes/kubelet config file.

$ # because $CHROOT haven't install k8s yet
$ mkdir -p $CHROOT/etc/kubernetes/
$ # openHPC is using /opt/ohpc/pub/examples/ for template directory
$ mkdir -p /opt/ohpc/pub/examples/kubernetes/centos
$ cp /etc/kubernetes/kubelet /opt/ohpc/pub/examples/kubernetes/centos/kubelet.ww
$ # wwsh file import is for storing file in database
$ wwsh file import /opt/ohpc/pub/examples/kubernetes/centos/kubelet.ww
$ # wwsh file set is for aliasing filename and PATH
$ wwsh file set kubelet.ww --path=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet
$ # wwsh provision set is for letting warewulf know the config file to be distributed at provisioning time
$ wwsh provision set $CNAME* --fileadd=kubelet.ww

Setting for provisioning is done, next is to edit the file contents

from: KUBELET_HOSTNAME="--hostname_override="
to:   KUBELET_HOSTNAME="--hostname_override=%{NETDEV::ETH0::IPADDR}"

from: KUBELET_API_SERVER="--api_servers="
to:   KUBELET_API_SERVER="--api_servers="

add lines for avoiding ClusterDNS warning:

The %{NETDEV::ETH0::IPADDR} is for dynamic provisioning for each compute node. You can use another interface, like ETH1, IB0. IB0 is infiniband or omnipath interface.

Install k8s for compute nodes

Install k8s and flannel to compute node via pdsh from master node. python-rhsm is for credential to pull docker image.

I recommend to write shell script to run these lines at once for each boot time.

$ pdsh -w $CNAME[1-$CNUM] yum install -y kubernetes flannel python-rhsm
$ pdsh -w $CNAME[1-$CNUM] perl -pi -e "s/$MIP/" /etc/sysconfig/flanneld
$ pdsh -w $CNAME[1-$CNUM] perl -pi -e "s/$MIP/" /etc/kubernetes/config

Because install k8s and flannel directly to $CHROOT cause error, that’s why this installation is conducted after booting up the compute nodes.

The python-rhsm is needd for CentOS to show credential for pulling docker image via network. bellow can resolve it

$ yum install -y python-rhsm
$ # check credential
$ ls -la /etc/docker/certs.d/

Start all daemon on Master and Client

If you want to use this environment (OpenHPC) cleanly, I recommend not to enable daemons related to k8s. It means run systemctl DAEMON start for each time you want k8s environment.


you can use bellow like start

if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
	for SERVICES in etcd kube-apiserver kube-controller-manager kube-scheduler; do
		systemctl $1 $SERVICES

Client (Minion) $CNAME[1-$CNUM] start

if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
	for SERVICES in kube-proxy kubelet docker flanneld; do
		pdsh -w $1 systemctl $2 $SERVICES

Now you can see all nodes you specified can be seen by

$ kubectl get nodes


Procedure aboves should work in your environment, but these are stil basic settings. You might have to do more settings (e.g. write ingress controller) for your usage.

If you have question, I would appreciate your comment bellow. Thanks! :)